This guideline aims to provide assistance to individuals or organizations interested in applying for a record title with ASEAN RECORDS (AR). It outlines the process flow, timeline, and fee structure involved in the application process.

Process Flow & Timeline

1. Submission of Application:

  • Complete the application form available at:
  • Upon receiving your application, AR will send a confirmation email.

2. Record Breaking Attempt Proposal:

  • Submit a detailed Record Breaking Attempt Proposal (presentation deck) with the following information:
    a. Proposed record title and the individual/organization attempting the record.
    b. Date of the record-breaking attempt and the date of certification presentation.
    c. Detailed information about the mechanism and nature of the record attempt, including a food and beverage distribution plan to minimize wastage.
    d. Location of the record-breaking attempt and the venue for certification presentation .
    e. Quantifiable measuring unit for the record-breaking attempt.
    f. Supporting recommendation, endorsement, or verification letter from the relevant ministry or body.

3. Record Title Verification

  • AR will conduct a database search to verify the status of the proposed record title.
  • If an existing record title or similar record nature is found, AR will suggest a new record title to the applicant, seeking panel approval for superseding the existing attempt.
  • If the record title is unique and significant with a non-similar record nature, AR will seek panel approval to acknowledge the new attempt.
  • If the attempt is non-significant, AR will advise the applicant to rework the proposal.

4. Official Acknowledgement:

  • Upon panel approval, AR will issue an Official Acknowledgement Letter, along with a payment proforma to inform the applicant of their successful acceptance.

5. Payment and Logo Usage:

  • After receiving payment, AR will release its logo and usage guidelines for advertising purposes.
  • Any usage of the AR logo must comply with the provided guidelines.
  • All payments must be made at least 14 working days before the event day.

6. Rules & Regulations (R&R) Letter:

  • AR will draft the R&R Letter, which must be strictly adhered to.
  • The applicant should schedule an appointment with the AR Research Team to discuss the R&R terms.

7. Site Inspection:

  • A site inspection will be arranged if required for verification, depending on the nature of the record-breaking attempt.

8. Verification and Certification Presentation:

  • An AR officer will attend the verification and/or certification presentation seven days before the event.

9. Observer Invitation:

  • If the apllicant intends to invite an observer, they must be a representative from the Government Ministry or ADUN, Member of Parliament, Secretary General of Ministry, Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister, Deputy Minister, Minister, etc. Confirmation should be sought from AR if the observer is not as stated.

10. Surcharge for Public Holidays:

  • A surcharge fee will be imposed if the certificate presentation falls on a National/Federal Public Holiday or its eve.

11. Footage Submission:

  • Hi-resolution photos and videos must be shared with the AR officer within 48 hours after the event.
  • If no professional photographer/videographer is engaged, AR will provide one with charges.
  • AR reserves the right to publish/use record details, photographs, and audio-visual materials for publicity purposes.

12. Processing Duration:

  • The processing duration for record attempt applications is typically 30 days.
  • To fast-track the application within 14 days, additional charges will be applied.

Fee Structure and Charges:

1. Administration Fee:

  • Personal record attempt: USD1,000
  • Corporate record attempt: USD5,000

2. Compulsory Charges:

  • Officer(s) attendance levy fee for certificate presentation: USD200

3. Site Inspection:

  • Additional USD500 for site inspection within and outside of Malaysia (Officer Charges USD200 & Venue Recee Fee USD200)
  • Traveling expenses (flights, accommodation, food allowances) for the officer(s) are not included and must be arranged by the client.
  • Federal Holiday, National Public Holiday, and National Public Holiday Eve:
  • USD50 surcharge if the certificate presentation falls on a holiday or holiday eve.

4. Certificate Presentation:

  • Additional charges for officer(s) traveling expenses, to be borne by the client.
  • If Officer(s) drive: Mileage expense of USD0.40 per KM.
  • If Officer(s) fly: Booking and purchase of flight ticket must be handled by the applicant. E-ticket must be shared with AR at least 7 days before the actual record attempt date, and USD100 will be charged to cover officers traveling from AR office to Airport. Transportation from Destination Airport to Record Attempt Venue/Hotel must be booked and paid by the client.
  • If Officer(s) require accommodation: A minimum 4-stars hotel room to be booked and paid by the client. Booking receipt must be shared with AR at least 7 days before the actual record attempt date.

5. Express Track Application:

  • Additional charges of USD500 for fast-track applications (Less than 14 days).

By following this guideline, applicants can navigate the process of applying for a record title with ASEAN RECORDS. For further assistance, applicants are encouraged to contact AR directly.